Frequency Healing

Frequency Healing

Frequency Healing is in the realm of holistic and alternative therapies, a fascinating and increasingly explored field. Often referred to as sound therapy or vibrational medicine.

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Functional Medicine and Holistic Approaches to Chronic Infections

Functional Medicine and Holistic Approaches to Chronic Infections

Chronic infections, often silent yet pervasive, pose a significant threat to holistic well-being. Doctor’s of functional medicine, naturopathy, holistic health and at those at natural health clinics have a deep understanding of the profound impact chronic infections can have on health. Addressing these hidden threats is crucial for achieving overall wellness.

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Understanding and Confronting Mold Toxicity: A Holistic, Natural, Functional Medicine Approach

Understanding and Confronting Mold Toxicity: A Holistic, Natural, Functional Medicine Approach

In the realm of health and wellness, mold toxicity stands as a significant concern that often causes unease due to its complexity. Addressing this issue requires more than just symptom identification; it necessitates a thorough approach to tackle the source. In North Texas, Functional medicine doctors, naturopathic doctors, other doctors at natural healing clinics, are generally those best informed and well-equipped to manage the effects of mold and toxic mold exposure effectively.

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Battling Parasites: Warning Signs and Remedies

Battling Parasites: Warning Signs and Remedies

Today, let's delve deep into an often-overlooked topic: parasites. While the word itself might send shivers down your spine, understanding the warning signs and remedies can empower you in maintaining your health. You might be surprised to know that many of us harbor...

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Understanding the Importance of Methylation

Understanding the Importance of Methylation

Methylation can injure and/or completely destroy our health and it also can protect us. So it’s proper function is essential and foundational to good health. This is achieved by optimizing genes through methylation pathway. If one pathway is hindered, such as in the case of MTHFR mutations, other pathways, which are reliant on it, will also be hindered.

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Avoiding Chemicals in food on a budget

Avoiding Chemicals in food on a budget

It’s no secret that our food contains pesticides that are really bad for our body. And it’s also no secret that many patients and families are flat out broke from trying to take care of medical expenses.

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